
Corrina Chow is a software developer based in Tio'tia:ke.

Currently I'm a Full Stack Software Developer at Unity Technologies.

I'm also the returning Designer and Brand Strategist at DIY Spring. I occasionally host workshops on web developement at Lighthouse Labs 💻.

Unavailable for freelance.

I'm open to working on meaningful side projects with inspiring people. Feel free to message me about:

  • 🐉 Table top RPGs
  • 💻 Experimental code

Have something to discuss?

Email me at hello@corrinachow.com

Want to hire me? Check out my resumé.




Using Redux with React

A presentation on how to use Redux with React in 2019.



Full Stack Web Application


An in-depth reporting tool which captures the emotional response of an audience.

PostgreSQL, React, React Router, Rails, OAuth2, Kairos API, CanvasJs, Youtube API



Full Stack Web Application

Jungle Rails

A mini e-commerce application which allows users to view, review, and purchase products with Stripe verification.

Rails 4.2, Stripe API, PostgresQL, bcrypt



Front-end Application

Javascript Calculator

Calculator that can perform basic arithmetic.

HTML5, CSS3, jQuery



Front-end Application

Pomodoro Timer

Customisable pomodoro timer to help you keep focus.




Full Stack Web Application

Wiki Maps

A full-stack application that allows users to share their favourite spots with the world.

Google Maps API, Google Geocode API, PostgresQL, Knex, Node.js, Express, jQuery, Bootstrap 4